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It’s no secret that software supply chain attacks are on the rise. The software supply chain is under intense pressure and scrutiny with the rise of malicious attacks that target open source software and components. 

Over the past year the industry has received guidance from the government with the Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity and the most recent M-22-18 Enhancing the Security of the Software Supply Chain through Secure Software Development Practices.

Now, perhaps more than ever before, it’s critical to have a firm understanding of the integrity of your software supply chain to ensure a strong security posture. This webinar will provide you with open access to a panel of Anchore experts who can discuss the role of a software bill of material (SBOM) and answer questions about how to understand and tackle government software supply chain requirements.

Submit your questions in advance to press@anchore.com.

Webinar Presenters

Hayden Smith
Technical Director  

Ask Me Anything: SBOMs and the Executive Order

Dan Nurmi
Josh Bressers
VP of Security